It's Only Natural


Home & Body Care

Orange Oil

Botanical Name:

Citrus sinensis

Benefical Effects:

A gentle stress reliever.  Orange also improve digestion and is a great tonic for acne.  Orange Oil assists the lymphatic system, helping to detoxify congested skin. It can be great for older more mature skin, dealing with dermatitis, as well as acne and soothing a dry irritated skin.  Orang Oil can support collagen formation in the skin, which is required for a healthier, younger looking skin.

Therapeutic Properties:

antiseptic, anti-depressant, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, carminative, sedative

General Precautions:

  • Non-toxic
  • Non-irritant
  • Non-sensitizing
  • Can have a phototoxic effect. Should not be applied before going out into direct sunlight for prolonged periods.

Orange Oil

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ingredients existing in or derived from nature