30 Mar 2019
Before starting...
- Make the room pleasant and fitting the mood, clean and uncluttered.
- If you are using a fragrant oil, don't fill the room with competing fragrances. Keep the mood.
- Make sure there aren't any children or pets around to interrupt.
- Don't subject them to any drafts. The room must be at a comfortable temperature.
- Dim the lights and close the curtains or blinds, so there are no distractions.
- Put on some relaxing music at a comfortable volume.
The Massage ...
- Lie down on a hard surface so that all her muscles are adequately supported.
- Allow enough space for you to be able to circulate around.
- Have towels on hand to cover the areas that you have already massaged so that the body heat you will have generated won't escape.
- Neck, shoulders, back, and legs are what you should mostly work on.
- Don't focus on specific muscles to avoid doing any damage.
- Hand pressure should be even and firm.
- Use your entire hand: fingers and palm, heel and fingertips.
- Begin with the shoulders then work your way to the neck, and then down the arms all the way to the hands.
- Return to the upper and lower back, and over to the buttocks (if allowed).
- Then down the thighs to the calves and ending off with the feet.
- Backtrack to the starting point with a lighter touch.